15.他们希望突出那些萨迦创作者的创造力:来自2017有如尼文的石头上,还刻有方帆的图案,其历史可追溯到大约公元600年。参见其The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Vikings (1995): 9-10.
16.维京船的现代复制品:Max Vinner, Boats of the Viking Ship Museum (2017): 20-21.
17.小型青铜佛陀雕像:Dieter Ahrens, “Die Buddhastatuette von Helg?.” Pantheon 22 (1964): 51-52; Scott Ashley, “Global Worlds, Local Worlds, Connections and Transformations in the Viking Age.” Byzantium and the Viking World, ed. Fedir Androshchuk et al. (2016): 363-387, 364, 372.