The first 馆 is a verb, "was lodged". The second makes a compound noun with 人. 业屦,—the dict. has, with reference to this passage, 事物已为而未成曰业, "things being done, but not completed, are said to be 业".
2. 廋,—sow, up. 1st tone, "to hide",= to steal and hide. 曰, 子以是,—是, "these", referring to "followers".夫子之设科,云云,—according to Choo He, this is the observation of Mencius's questioner, suddenly awaking to an understanding of the philosopher.Anciently, 夫子 was read 夫予, "now, I", and Mencius was supposed to be himself the speaker. Choo He is probably correct. 设科 is better than 设教, 科conveying the idea of "exercises" suited to different capacities. 是心=向道之心.